I am and always have been a heavy sleeper. I once slept right through an earthquake. My husband is continually frustrated with my inability to awaken after being in a car for an extended period of time. Physical sleep has rarely eluded me, for which I am very grateful. I've found, recently, that this trait of mine extends into my mental life as well. I have become more aware in the past few months of the way the world works, and, while I knew before that things weren't going well, I'm continually disappointed the more I learn. This blog is going to be my attempt at de-programing myself so that I may begin to help others wake up as well.
Now, when I say de-programming, I mean it in a literal sense. The powers-that-be (fyi, they're not our 'government') have been spoon-feeding us from birth and even before. We are bombarded with pollutants constantly, both physically (vaccines, unnecessary medications, flouride, processed foods, chem trails, and on and on) and mentally (ads, magazines, TELEVISION, the 'news'papers, movies, music -especially music-, @ school, @ home, everywhere). These pollutants weaken us and keep us living in a constant state of fear, self-loathing, greed, and jealousy so we don't ask questions or even stumble in our stupified lurch through our lives. Ugh, my stomach turns just thinking about it. It's so pervasive that often I don't even see it, and I'm beginning to learn what to look for. For now, however, lets look at one aspect of this programming which has been on my mind of late: the princess/warrior complex
First, think of your local super-store. In your mind's eye, picture the toys section. There are probably six or seven aisles of books, games, dolls, trucks, etc. Now, I bet you know exactly which aisles are for the girls and which are for the boys, right? Of course you do. The girls' aisles are all pink and purple, and stocked with dress-up clothes, dolls, 'pretend' makeup, tiaras, and every Hannah Montana product imaginable. The boys have their own blue area, too. In it, we find bugs, swords, guns, action figures (GI Joe, Star Wars, Transformers, superheroes), and sports paraphernalia. At first glance, this doesn't seem so bad. It's just girls being girls and boys being boys, right? Wrong. Think for a minute; what message are we sending girls? What about boys? SEX and VIOLENCE. Don't believe me? Well, let's keep exploring.
Now, I want you to think of every Disney movie you saw as a kid. Good memories, right? This is where I started feeling betrayed. Think of all the leads in these movies. One thing they have in common: broken families and/or no mothers. Snow White-mom's dead, evil stepmother. Aurora (of Sleeping Beauty fame) and Rapunzel-separated from parents and mom has no name. Cinderella- mom's dead, dad's dead, evil stepmother. Ariel-mom's dead, seven flighty sisters. Jasmine and Belle-mom's dead, bumbling father. Alladin-orphan. Bambi, Quasimodo, Nemo, and Dumbo-moms are killed trying to protect them. Peter Pan-orphan (Wendy, John, and Michael have parents...who leave them home alone with a DOG as a babysitter). Tod (Fox & the Hound)-mom is killed. Simba-dad is killed. Lilo-both parents dead. Tianna-dad's dead. I mean, really, I could go on and on, but it gets a little ridiculous. The only strong female character with a living mom & dad is Mulan, and to be successful she has to pretend to be a MAN. Looks like Disney's done a fairly good job of ruining the family.
Now that we've got the absentee parents covered, lets move on to the caretakers that are around. There are a few who do an ok job. Nemo's dad, I liked, even if he was a little overbearing. Most of the other dads are pretty lame as far as taking care of their kids goes. The non-humans are ok (think dwarves and fairies, etc.) but their charges still manage to get almost killed. All the stepmothers are evil and try to keep their girls away from the outside world until the prince comes to save them. This prince used to be a pretty nice guy, if a little bland for my tastes, but as the decades have passed, these guys are turning naughty. Tangled features a thief as a hero (one without even a 'noble' reason...just greed)! The female characters are set up to hate their mothers and want to run away with the bad guy and live happily ever after. Except, Disney never tells us what that cinsists of. Sure being a princess is neat and all, but what about kids or employment? There are no strong examples of nurturing women in these poor girls' lives for them to follow.
Ok, so combine this lesson our daughters are learning with the products they are encouraged to buy and the TV they watch. Our little princesses (ugh) see that their major goal is to be rescued by their prince from their awful family. They learn from TOO YOUNG that the way to do this is through sexy clothes, make-up, and pretty hair. And, God forbid they can't afford these things, because they are told that they won't look like the princesses in the movies without them, and well, then they're screwed and had better start learning how to knit and like cats, cuz there's no man in their future (aka no future). This crushes their fragile little self-esteem. Some girls turn to drugs to cope, some to food (me me me!!!). Some chase men and some are terrified of them. But, without solid families behind them, none of them are going to know what the hell to do if they do find a man. So, they compensate by filling their lives with things, playing on the lessons learned by the little boys who 'rescued' them.
These boys have thieves and murderers and war as their examples. Fight the dragon/beast/Empire/Decepticons/supervillians, etc, and win a hottie. Kill them ALL! Their poor little brains are flooded with high levels of adrenaline while they're still developing. This, of course, gets them ready for the cut-throat world of...the workplace? They are trained from a young age to be killers, predisposed to join the military or end up in jail or join the sneakier worlds of business, finance, and politics. They're all taught to go rescue the princess, but again, nobody tells them what to do with her aside from bang her brains out (pop music and TV take VERY good care of teaching that one). So, they end up in debt and depressed because they keep trying to please their lady by buying-buying-buying and nothing works.
The worst part is, this is intentional. We are supposed to be preoccupied with the opposite sex right away, according to the ones in control, so we can breed and make more drones to give them money. That's all we are to the Illuminati/Freemasons/greedy motherf*ckers/devil worshipers who run this joint. The only way we can start breaking free from this hype (interesting sidenote...hype sure looks a lot like hypnotize, no?) is to wake up and see through the smoke screens they put in the way. We are cogs in their giant Money Machine, turning only to feed their greed and appetites for sex and destruction. It makes me infinitely sad that people right now are watching reality TV instead of reading, Twittering instead of talking face to face with another human being. There are children bought and sold as sex slaves by the CIA, and nobody seems to care, but don't miss the next episode of American Idol (which btw, is studded with satanic ritual...YouTube it)!
See why this bothers me? I have such a heavy heart thinking about these things, and have to constantly remind myself that, while I live in an EVIL world, I can trust God to help me and take care of me. I can rest easy in Him and take comfort in the fact that my life on this planet is only a tiny blip in the grand scheme of things. I used ot hope that I would just go along, unnoticed by those in power, but the more I learn, the more I want to be a thorn in their heel, driving deep and painful shocks every time they step. I pray that we all wake up, and soon, otherwise I'm looking ahead to a future that scares the crap out of me.